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A burn is a type of skin injury which can be caused by heat, fire, sunlight, radiation (from tanning booths, UV light and radiation therapy), chemicals (such as sodium hydroxide, silver nitrate, sulfuric acid and nitric acid), friction and electricity. The degree of severity of burns depends on the tissues affected and can be classified into three: first-degree burn, second-degree burn and third degree burn.
  • First-degree burns - when the damaged part of the skin is the top most layer or the superficial layer (also known as the epidermis). First-degree burns cause minor pain, turn red and swell slightly in just a matter of minutes. They usually heal within 3 to 6 days.

    Treatment and reminders for first-degree burns:
    • cool the burned area of the skin with cold (but not too cold) or tap water
    • never use ice as it leads to further skin damage
    • you can also apply aloe vera sap or calamine aqueous cream or calendula cream to cool the injured skin
    • never use butter and oil as these substances will trap heat therefore promoting more damage to the skin
    • if blisters are formed, do not prick them as it might infect the wound

  • Second-degree burns - also known as the partial thickness. Usually, this degree is characterized by burns which swell and turn deep red in color. It can either painful or not depending on the injured nerves. This degree of burn involve the dermis (the layer of the skin which is next to the epidermis) and the deep dermis layer. They usually heal within 2 to 3 weeks.

    Treatment and reminders for second-degree burns:
    • cool the would with tap or cold (but not too cold) water
    • again, never use ice
    • as this type of burn may result to skin infection, it is advised to dress the damaged skin with dry, sterile bandage.
    • again, do not prick the blisters
    • for pain, take aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol
    • again, never use butter or oil on the burned area

  • Third-degree burns - also known as full thickness. This degree involves the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis (also known as the subcutaneous tissue where fats are mainly stored). Usually, the injured part of the skin has been entirely burned resulting to a burned black color. Most third-degree burn patients do not feel pain as the nerve endings have also been damaged. The healing process of third-degree burns take a very long time depending on how huge and deep the damage is.

    Treatment and reminders for third-degree burns:
    • should be given medical attention
    • give the patient some water to drink (to avoid dehydration) while waiting for medical help
    • cover the would with clean damp cloth or bandage but do not make it too tight
    • keep the person warm by covering the patient with a blanket or towel (avoid the injured area
Chemical burns should be wash with running water at once. If the affected area is the eye, wash it with saline solution or just tap water.

For burns caused by electricity, the patient should be given medical attention.

For burns caused by sunlight and radiation, shower with lukewarm water. Apply either aloe vera cream or gel to soothe the pain.

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