Verification status: NOT VERIFIED
Once you verify that you're the site owner, we can provide you with comprehensive statistics and error information about the pages in your site. If you're unable to verify, you can still use the webmaster tools, submit Sitemaps, and see detailed...."
- You will find a box saying: "Choose verification method..." I suggest that you choose the "Add a meta tag" option as it is easier to do.
- You will receive a code which you have to copy and paste on your blog's HTML body (go to your blog's Layout and then to Edit HTML). Be sure to paste the code somewhere between the "head" and "body" sections of your HTML.
- After pasting the code, you can then click the "Verify" button and then you're done!
- Wait for a few days or less for Google to index your blog. (note: This blog got indexed a few minutes after submitting the URL.)
To get indexed in
Yahoo, go to this
page and follow all instructions.
To get indexed in
MSN, go to this
site and follow the instructions.
Just like Google, both Yahoo and MSN will ask you to put a meta tag code in your blog's HTML. Just follow the instructions and you'll get indexed quickly.
The good thing by being indexed is that, your site will appear in Google, Yahoo and MSN directories... usually, in the first 10 pages of the search page.
I use
Feedjit to get track on who are viewing my page. (you can get one
here for free). If you look at my blog's Feedjit report (just one of the many pages) below, you can see that my blog gets a lot of visitors from Google.
(please click the photo to enlarge)
At the bottom part of this site, you can see this blog's SEO statistics (as of today, December 6, 2008):
GIP: 199GBL: 251YIP: 148YBL: 4722MIP: 148I am not sure how many times Google, Yahoo and MSN crawl my blog per month. But last week, this was my blog's SEO STATS:
GIP: can not rememberGBL: 144YIP: can not rememberYBL: 3752MIP: 72So, you get to see the rapid increase of Backlinks, right? There's no magic! It's just about having my site indexed at the first place. No need to pay for anything! So, have your blogs indexed, too.
Anyway, I know that there are lots of blogs out there which are getting higher and better SEO stats than mine. So, I hope that they will share their secrets, too!