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Defective Medtronic Defibrillator Leads? - Mark & Associates, P.C. Can Help

Cardiac arrhythmia has been one of the most common killer diseases in the history. Therefore when defibrillators have been introduced as safe to be implanted for people suffering from arrhythmia, many have given it a try. However, the important question remains: "Is it really safe?"

Before proceeding, let us first know what cardiac arrhythmia is. Arrhythmia which is also often called dysrhythmia is the scientific term used to describe irregular heartbeat. Normally, heart rate only ranges from 50 to 100 beats every single minute. However, patients with arrhythmia suffer from irregular heart beat. The condition can be subdivided into two:
  • Bradyarrhythmias - term which refer to the type of arrhythmia with slower heartbeat
  • Tachyarrhythmias - indicates the type of arrhythmia with accelerated heartbeat
Although arrhythmia is classified into two categories, most patients suffering from this case is suffering from the second type, tachyarrhythmias. Irregular heartbeat is considered to endanger life as patients who are suffering from this illness can cause the heart to stop functioning at a certain period of time without any warning at all. Doctors recommend taking certain specific drugs such as beta-blockers to control heart-rate or warfarin to minimize instances of blood clotting. However, if these drugs don't seem to help at all, doctors recommend patients to have defibrillator implanted.

Defibrillators, the simple term for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators or ICDs, is a device implanted in the patient's shoulder. It has a lead that goes through the patient's veins that are connected to the heart. This little device monitors heart beat that whenever it observes that the heart rhythm is too fast, it sends energy to the heart muscle which puts back hearth beat to normal.

Medtronic, Inc., one of the most popular manufacturers of ICDs withdrew two of their device models in the 15th of October 2007 as there had been records of Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Leads' malfunction of about 2.3% of the total patients (around 268,000 people around the world) implanted with the said device. According to data collected, the defective defibrillator leads delivers wrong information to its computer therefore sending unesserary energy to the heart. Due to this error, at least five patients had already died and that there are more and more people have been complaining about the same failure as they feel the painful undesirable sensation whenever it takes place.

Due to these circumstances, most people who have been affected by Medtronic Defibrillator Recall are now looking for justice. So if you or one of your loved ones are experiencing the disadvantages of this device, it is recommended for you to file Defibrillator Lead Lawsuit against Medtronic, Inc. to defend your valuable rights.

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