When World of Warcraft, most commonly referred to as Wow, was introduced some years ago, there were so many online players who embraced the whole idea of the game. Two of these players who love the game so much are my two brothers. We only had one computer before. But since both my brothers wanted to play together (like a team somehow), my mother decided to buy another computer to make my brothers happy. And yup... they were really glad to have another computer and play at the same time.
They are really not "WoW addicts" though as they still have a normal life. I mean, unlike other players, my brothers still go out, work and make sure that their social life's still active. They only play for a few hours at night to have fun before finally going to bed. Well, there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, after a long day, they should at least a common interest which can help them both relax while bonding together as brothers.
Watching them play, I can say that WoW is really fun, interesting and entertaining. I even almost played the game. However, I am a very busy person. I can't even play the tetris game on my Nokia N73 phone!
Anyway, my brothers are continuously earning some amount of money from playing WoW. I have overheard heard twice or thrice when they were discussing about World of Warcraft Gold or WoW Gold. It's like this... by playing WoW, players can earn the currency of WoW which is referred to as WoW Gold. One can earn WoW Gold by what they call leveling up. However, since there are also some boring levels which most players (like my brothers) want to skip over, WoW players purchase WoW Gold from virtual currency shops online in order to level up without the need of going through the dull levels of the game. Of course, as what my brothers say, if you want to earn some money, what must also be ready to risk some money as well.
If you are wondering how to purchase WoW Gold, I suggest that you visit this World of Warcraft Gold site.
They are really not "WoW addicts" though as they still have a normal life. I mean, unlike other players, my brothers still go out, work and make sure that their social life's still active. They only play for a few hours at night to have fun before finally going to bed. Well, there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, after a long day, they should at least a common interest which can help them both relax while bonding together as brothers.

Anyway, my brothers are continuously earning some amount of money from playing WoW. I have overheard heard twice or thrice when they were discussing about World of Warcraft Gold or WoW Gold. It's like this... by playing WoW, players can earn the currency of WoW which is referred to as WoW Gold. One can earn WoW Gold by what they call leveling up. However, since there are also some boring levels which most players (like my brothers) want to skip over, WoW players purchase WoW Gold from virtual currency shops online in order to level up without the need of going through the dull levels of the game. Of course, as what my brothers say, if you want to earn some money, what must also be ready to risk some money as well.
If you are wondering how to purchase WoW Gold, I suggest that you visit this World of Warcraft Gold site.